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Cloverpatch Switchbacks Part II

  • Trans-Cascadia Excursions 001 North Fork Rd. Westfir, OR 97463 United States (map)

Working on switchbacks is an art! Come get your hands dirty on the Oakridge local trail canvas!

This weekend we’ll be heading back to the Cloverpatch Connector to continue the work we've been doing connecting the bridge site to the 5826 trail head. This is the same work location we've worked a few times before, about a half mile past road 130 on 5826, if you are familiar with the work location, please feel free to meet us there around 9:30am. 

  • Details:

    • Date: Saturday June 8th at 9AM

    • Location: Meet at Trans Cascadia Excursions, on the corner of Westoak and FS19, across from the Red Covered Bridge in Westfir

    • Work Plans:

      • Continuing work on the crib wall for the first switchback.

      • Benching the trail on the approach to the switchback.

      • Finishing the trail and pulling down the backslopes.

    • Preregister (Optional):

Please bring plenty of water and snacks. Dress for the weather, and please wear sturdy hiking boots suitable for rough terrain. Gloves are recommended for your comfort and safety. Weather will likely be warm; and there may be sun exposure. We will provide tools and hard hats for anyone who doesn't have them. 

We have tasks suitable for people of all skill levels, so don't hesitate to join in even if you're new to trail maintenance.


IF YOU'RE NEW TO VOLUNTEERING ON THE WILLAMETTE NATIONAL FOREST: Please create a volunteer profile and sign into the WNF Cascade Volunteers volunteer tracking system. You can do this by heading over to the CV volunteer page and creating your own account here: - please add Oakridge Trails Alliance as your primary organization affiliation in the West Cascades volunteer group. This will help us track volunteer matching hours for our grant reporting purposes. You should be able to register for this work party from a list of public volunteer opportunities once you’re in the system. If for some reason there is already an account registered under your email, we've likely already got you in the system, and you don't need to do anything else - we will manually enter your hours after each work party. Thank you for your time and efforts!

May 26

Back on Cloverpatch Trail Work Party