Oakridge Ride Center Trails Maintenance

Thanks to the Oregon Trails Coalition, Travel Oregon and the Oregon Tourism Commission, Oakridge Trails Alliance was approved for capacity funding to administer the expansion and coordination of volunteer efforts over the 2023/24 seasons. In addition to the extensive efforts building new trail on the Alpine Cloverpatch Connection, the efforts included under this grant will address maintenance issues in key trail areas of the Middle Fork Ranger District, including:

·        Existing original Cloverpatch Trail – rehabilitation – including improved drainage, rerouting corners, improving line of sight and safety, and installing lower crib wall corners was completed in late fall of 2023.

·        Lawler Trail in the Hardesty Mountain Network – an important asset for regional riding opportunities spreading impact of visitors from the Eugene area – OTA, in partnership with Disciples of Dirt, will continue rehabilitating failing switchbacks, improving tread and drainage, along with clearing brush, removing safety hazards, and widening the trail corridor for safety and open sight lines where needed. Our next work party for Lawler Trail will be Sunday, April 28, 2024.

·        Heckletooth Mountain was reopened in summer of 2023, thanks to fire remediation efforts led by Trans-Cascadia and OTA crews.

·        Larison Rock trail is underway for tread and drainage repair this spring. OTA will be hosting at least two volunteer work parties between May and June in 2024 to help get the trail in shape before peak use this summer.

Please check our Events Calendar for volunteer trail work party announcements and join us for a fun day of building both trails, and our amazing trails community!


Alpine Cloverpatch Connection